Data Access Policy for Confidential User Information


This document outlines the structure of access rights to confidential user data within our organization. Our goal is to ensure that personal data is handled securely and only accessible to authorized individuals based on their role and responsibilities.

Roles and Responsibilities

The organizational structure of roles is as follows:

  1. Users
  2. Kenkyukai Dojo Instructors
  3. Buin Dojo Instructors
  4. Shibu Dojo Instructors
  5. Honbu Dojo Instructors
  6. Administrators

Hierarchical Assignments

Access to Confidential User Data

Access to confidential user data is granted as follows:

  1. Honbu Instructors
  2. Access Scope: Full access to the personal data of all users on the site.

  3. Administrators
  4. Access Scope: Full access to the personal data of all users on the site.

  5. Shibu Instructors
  6. Access Scope: Access to the personal data of all users (in)directly assigned to them. This includes:

    • Users assigned to Kenkyukai Dojo(s) under their supervision.
    • Users assigned to Buin Dojo(s) under their supervision.
    • Users assigned directly to the Shibu Dojo.

  7. Buin Instructors
  8. Access Scope: Access to the personal data of all users (in)directly assigned to them. This includes:

    • Users assigned to Kenkyukai Dojo(s) under their supervision.
    • Users assigned directly to the Buin Dojo.

  9. Kenkyukai Instructors
  10. Access Scope: Access to the personal data of users directly assigned to the Dojo.

  11. Users
  12. Access Scope: Access to the names of all students directly assigned to the same Dojo. No access to other users’ personal data.

Data Security and Privacy Guidelines


This structured approach to data access ensures that personal information is accessible only to those with a legitimate need based on their role within the organization, maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security. For questions or further clarifications, please contact the organization’s administration team.